• Go to your xml and add the "addrulepath" attribute to the form tag:
    • [form addfieldpath="/templates/yourTemplate/html/mod_qlform/fields"] - if you put in your template you might edit it via template administration - OR
    • [form addfieldpath="/modules/mod_qlform/php/fields"] - only editable by ftp, no access by template, more secure
  • Add the field into your form: [field name="someFieldName" type="Yyyyy" /] - ideally you use a more transparent name like "commentary";-)
  • Add your field file into this path, code is as follows:
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
//import the necessary class definition for formfield
class JFormFieldYyyyy extends JFormField
     * The form field type.
     * @var  string
     * @since 1.6
protected $type = 'yyyyy'; //the form field type see the name is the same
     * Method to retrieve the lists that resides in your application using the API.
     * @return array The field option objects.
     * @since 1.6
protected function getInput()
        $options = array();
        $html.='<textarea style="width:400px;height:400px;" name="'.$this->name.'" id="'.$this->id.'">';
        return $html;