This extension bundle displays parts of the article within a module. Thus you can fill article data into sidebar or into header, whereever you like it.

The qlarticle core consists of two extensions:

  • a content plugin to cut the information out of your article
  • a module to display a certain part in a module position. 

Further on there is the editor plugin in the PRO version inserting the qlarticle tag into you article.

Content plugin
Editor button

With tags like {'qlscissors slot="test"} and {'/qlscissors} you can cut the article text into several pieces.

These pieces are deleted from the display in content area.

A mod_qlarticle can "catch" this information if correctly set. So parts of articles can be displayed in right or left column or in header - as you wish.

The module catches data that has be cut from article (see plg_qlarticle tab).

E. g. a mod_qlarticle with the parameter "test" will catch the text/string/image whatever that has been set within the {'qlscissors slot="test"}....{'/qlscissors} tags.

So parts of articles can be displayed in right or left column or in header - a you wish. That proves very useful, as so you can administrate right col and header information via the article displayed:-)

Have fun!

This plugin generates an editor button. By clicking on it, the qlarticle syntax is inserted. The "catches" are customizable.


Hark, hark! In the old times this extension was called qlarticle; now renamed.